Newsletter News

Amid Tough Auction Results Worldwide, Sotheby's Lays off Staff, Increases Buyer's Premium; Phillips CEO Ed Dolman Steps down

It hasn't been the kindest year to the art and collectibles market in general, unlike the currently booming stock market. Whether you are a gallery, private dealer or auction company,…

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Featured Exhibit

Lisa Holden: New Work--Constructed Landscapes and Haunted Portraits

One of the main themes in Lisa Holden's digital photoworks is identity. Growing up in the North of England as an adopted child, (her birth parents are South African and…

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Collecting Resources

Photography Price Gyrations: Gustave Le Gray, A Case Study

There has been and probably always will be a strong market for this 19th-century photographer. Besides being an acknowledged master by virtually every art institution, he is one of the…

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“Not only is I Photo Central a wonderful source for information about the photographic market place, it also connects all of us in the photographic community. In creating it, Alex Novak has given us a great gift.”

John Wood

Art and Photographic Historian

I Photo Central provides thousands of web pages for the photography collector, curator and historian. This site includes articles on collecting issues (such as connoisseurship and print values; insurance and risk management; appraisals; buying and selling images; developing a photography collecting library; framing/matting and preserving your collection; conservation, etc.). The largest for-sale fine art photography gallery on the web is databased here and is easily accessed through an extensive on-site search engine.

270 issues of the popular E-Photo Newsletter are also archived here and are also searchable; and there is a major International Photography Calendar of Events section.

An additional Special Exhibits section focuses on specific topics, photography processes (such as autochromes, daguerreotypes, stereo views and oratones), contemporary photography and individual photographers.
