Newsletter News

"American Photography" at Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Runs until June 9: An Interview with Curators Hans Rooseboom and Mattie Boom

The recently opened exhibition "American Photography" is the latest in the long line of impressive photography exhibitions curated by Hans Rooseboom and Mattie Boom at Rijksmuseum. It has been years…

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Featured Exhibit

A Few Favorite Recently Acquired Fine Art 20th-Century Photographs

By Alex Novak

The group is a personal selection of images from all my recently acquired fine art photographs. I guess I just like them for their power even though…

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Collecting Resources

The Ins and Outs of A Photography Appraisal

Collecting photography may be a labor of love, but taking care of it may be a burden best shared with experts. At the very least, it’s important to keep…

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“I Photo Central is the best resource available on the photography market. It freely shares insights and experiences in the pursuit of quality and rare photography. Beyond obituaries on photographers and people in the photo world and candid opinions on market trends, there are also reviews of new photo shows and publications. A labor of love enjoyed openly (and at times clandestinely) by all in the Photo World.”

Bruce Lundberg

Private Collector

I Photo Central provides thousands of web pages for the photography collector, curator and historian. This site includes articles on collecting issues (such as connoisseurship and print values; insurance and risk management; appraisals; buying and selling images; developing a photography collecting library; framing/matting and preserving your collection; conservation, etc.). The largest for-sale fine art photography gallery on the web is databased here and is easily accessed through an extensive on-site search engine.

271 issues of the popular E-Photo Newsletter are also archived here and are also searchable; and there is a major International Photography Calendar of Events section.

An additional Special Exhibits section focuses on specific topics, photography processes (such as autochromes, daguerreotypes, stereo views and oratones), contemporary photography and individual photographers.
