I Photo Central's multiple dealers and galleries have posted up 380 additional photographs and photo books on the web site over just the last three months, which can all be viewed here: http://bit.ly/1tIOk4L.
This posting includes some of the most important images to go up on the web site and are not to be missed. There are over 6,600 fine photographs for sale on the web site, making it the easiest and most important resource for buying images on the Internet.
Some of the major 20th- and 21st-century photographers who had multiple new work posted up by the web site's dealers over this time period include:
--Eugene Atget
--Jozef Emiel Borrenbergen
--Robert K. Byers
--Henri Cartier-Bresson
--Baron Adolph De Meyer
--Alexis Delcroix
--Robert Doisneau
--James Fee
--Gianni Berengo Gardin
--Alfred Eisenstaedt
--Gianni Berengo Gardin
--Phillipe Halsman
--Andre Kertesz
--Jacques-Henri Lartigue
--Danny Lyon
--Man Ray
-- Leonard Misonne
-- Charles Moore
-- Barbara Morgan
--Marinus J. Ortelee
--Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky
--Rene-Jacques (Rene Giton)
--Leni Riefenstahl
--Willy Ronis
--Alwyn Scott Turner
--Jerry Uelsmann
--Ernest Withers.
Other major 20th and 21st photographers with new single images posted include:
--Berenice Abbott
--Sue Abrams
--Laure Albin-Guillot
--Eve Arnold
--Tina Barney
--Tom Baril
--Jeanette Montgomery Barron
--Cecil Beaton
--Hans Bellmer
--Edouard Boubat
--Bill Brandt
--Horace Bristol
--Melitte Buchman
--Mark Cohen
--Bruce Davidson
--Elliott Erwitt
--Lee Friedlander
--Robert Frank
--Mario Giacomelli
--Fritz Goro
--Lois Greenfield
--Fritz Henle
--Lewis Hine
--Lisa Holden
--Arthur Kales
--Barbara Kasten
--Alexander Keighley
--Willy Kessels
--Joseph Louw
--Dora Maar
--Louis-Amedee Mante
--Marcel Marien
--Ray Metzker
--Sheila Metzner
--Jean Moral
--Inge Morath
--NASA/Jet Propulsion
--Janine Niepce
--Martin Parr
--Eliot Porter
--Lilo Raymond
--Albert Renger-Patzsch
--Mike Robinson
--August Sander
--Jürgen Schadeberg
--Osamu Shiihara
--Arthur Siegel
--Aaron Siskind
--W. Eugene Smith
--Edward Steichen
--Josef Sudek
--Carl Van Vechten
--Roman Vishniac
--Edward Weston
--Garry Winogrand
--George Zimbel.
The following are a few of the 19th-century photographers that had images posted up recently:
--Gioacchino Altobelli
--Charles Aubry
--Edouard Baldus
--Bonaldi & Terragetta
--Isaac H. Bonsall
--Bradley & Rulofson
--Adolphe Braun
--Burton Brothers
--Charnaux Frères
--Charles Clifford
--Henri Courmont
--Tomasso Cuccioni
--Octave de Bermond de Vaulx
--Eugene Charles De Gayffier
--Arthur Wesley Dow
--George Fiske
--Fr. Alphonse Fortier
--Francis Frith
--Roger Fenton
--William Henry Jackson
--Victor Laisne & E. Defonds
--Gustave Le Gray
--Le Gray/Mestral
--Henri Le Secq
--Loewy & Puiseux
--Etienne-Jules Marey
--Charles Marville
--Eadweard Muybridge
--Charles Negre
--Timothy O'Sullivan
--Robertson & Beato
--Andrew Joseph Russell
--Charles Roscoe Savage
--Auguste Salzmann
--Isaiah West Taber
--Joseph Vigier
--Carleton Watkins.
You can locate the work by these photographers and nearly 2,000 more here: http://www.iphotocentral.com/photographer/photographer.php. Just click on the photographer's name to go to their images that are for sale on the web site. Click into the thumbnail images for larger images and details, including the dealer's contact information.
To do other searches on photography and photo books, go here to the general search page: http://www.iphotocentral.com/search/search.php. You can refine and narrow your searches by using one or all five filters and key word search field. Narrow your search by choosing date ranges (by photo and/or print date), price ranges, type of medium of photography, country (of image and/or photographer), and even how recent an item was posted up to the web site.
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