The 37th edition of The Photography Show, presented by the Association of International Photography Art Dealers, will be held this March 30 through April 2, 2017 at Pier 94 in New York City.
The new location at Pier 94 will be the backdrop for a much expanded show, which will present photography from early masters, modern luminaries, and emerging and established contemporary artists from more than 120 of the world's leading fine art galleries. An opening night vernissage will be held on March 29.
For the first time, The Photography Show will present special loan exhibitions. Photography from the noted private collections of Martin Margulies, Artur Walther and Madeleine Plonsker will be on view to the public during the show.
The Show will feature galleries from across the U.S. and around the world, including Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico and South America. Four new sections will offer work from established and new AIPAD members, first-time exhibitors, younger galleries, book dealers and publishers.
The Arnold Newman Prize for New Directions in Photographic Portraiture, presented by Maine Media Workshops + College, will be awarded to a photographer whose work demonstrates a compelling new vision in the genre of portraiture.
The AIPAD Award honors visionaries who have contributed to the field of photography. The first recipients of the newly inaugurated annual award are Sandra Phillips, curator of photography at SFMOMA, and Anne Tucker, founding curator of photography at MFA Houston.
The Public Program will triple in size with presentations hosted each day by noted collectors, curators, critics and gallerists.
Look for a variety of hospitality options, including a restaurant, champagne bar, and VIP lounge.
Additionally, the Smile Booth and the captivating work of Colleen Plumb, Thirty Times a Minute, will add to the experience.
The Photography Show presents a unique opportunity to become part of the global photography community--to meet leading gallerists, who have helped to create the photography market, and to speak with important artists, who are refining the medium and expanding its boundaries.
Tickets will be available for purchase online in early January.
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