As we announced last newsletter, from now until the end of the year, Charles Schwartz, Ltd. and Vintage Works, Ltd. will donate to charity 10% of any purchases made from our websites:
Can we suggest that you, our loyal readers, also be extra giving this year? Many thanks.
And, in the spirit of the holidays, we will waive all shipping charges in the continental U.S. until the end of the year.
We have also built two special lists of my personal selections from Vintage Works. The prices start at as little as $50, so these can make great holiday gifts, but order well in advance to avoid post office delays. You need to put each list in the Key Word Search on the search images page exactly as written below without any spaces between words. Make sure there is no extra space at the end of these strings. You can also add other search criteria from the drop-down menus, but you can not put another word into the key word search for this to work. The two selections are: 19thcenturyholidaypicks and 20thcenturyholidaypicks. All the choices are under $2,500 and half are under $1000.
Private photo dealer Charles Schwartz Ltd., who has recently joined the I Photo Central website group, and Vintage Works, Ltd. continue to post up new images at . Both 19th and 20th century photographs have been added over the last month.
One particular item that Charles Schwartz wanted me to mention is a wonderful and scarce Middle Eastern two-volume set of Francis Frith images. This set is bound as one album containing 76 albumen prints. Francis Frith (1822-1898) made three photographic expeditions to Egypt and Palestine during the mid to late 1850s. The book includes views of the desert landscape, monuments, the crocodile, a self portrait in Oriental costume and ruins. Images are accompanied by text written by Frith describing his travels. His comments include remarks about making photographs which indicate the difficulty of the wet collodion process. This book initiates a career in illustrating books with original photographs that placed Frith among the most dedicated and productive in this mode of illustration. The price is a very reasonable $12,000. You can contact Charles at 212-534-4496 or .
To see the listing, go to the iphotocentral search image page and put in the reference number 2259. Or just go to the home page, where it is the 19th-century Image of the Week. You can also check out our two Halloween images at the same time.
If you would like to see Schwartz's entire listings (nearly 500), go to the search page above on I Photo Central and put CharlesSchwartz in the key word search without any space between the words and with the capital letters on the C and S.
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