We have just posted up over 175 new vintage photographs to I Photo Central and many are very important master works by top photographers. Included in the group are the following names: Aguado, Albin-Guillot (a significant portion of her archive), Asman, Atget, Aubrey, Baldus, Bing, Bourke-White, Bulhak (a very strong group), Cameron, Cunningham, De LaGrange, De Meyer, Drtikol, Du Camp, Dugdale, Durandelle, Walker Evans, Freiberger, Gething, Groll, Lauschman, Le Gray, Le Prat, Le Secq, Mangel du Mesnil, Marville, Misonne, Nadar, Negre, Penn, Petit, Pluschow, Puyo, Revesz-Biro, Ross & Thomson, Rossler, Sexton, Siskind, Steiner, Sudek, Tabard, Uelsmann, Von Gloeden, and Weston.
The Mangel du Mesnil is particularly significant, beautiful and rare. The Nadar is one of two recent salt portrait masterpieces that we have purchased. The Cameron may be a unique image of Hatty Campbell. The De Meyer is a lovely image at the height of his powers. The Negre's are wonderful images of the pifferari, plus another self-portrait. The Le Gray and Le Secq's are unique and very rare waxed paper negatives of important views. The Tabard and Steiner prints are negative prints that stun and amaze me. There is considerable treasure here in this latest group to go up on the site.
To see the newer additions, just go to the website's search page at: http://www.iphotocentral.com/search/search.php and use the drop down menu of the TIME FRAME OF POSTING to select the past month and then hit the SEARCH button to see these new additions.
We also recently put two more Special Exhibits up on the site: Maurice Georges Chanu: Paris and the Seine and Jan Bulhak: Father of Modern Polish Photography. They are well worth visiting to see the work of these little-known, but highly-deserving-of-your-attention photographers. You can see them and eight other special website shows at http://www.iphotocentral.com/showcase/showcase.php .
You will also find an unedited and expanded interview which I had with Photographie International's publisher Jean-Luc Pons in the Collecting Issues & Resources section of the site at: http://www.iphotocentral.com/collecting/collecting.php . We covered a lot of important issues relating to photography collecting and dealing.
And we continue to change photographs on many of the on-line exhibitions and to update and add to many of the Collecting Issue articles.
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