You will find four more Special Exhibits up on I Photo Central.
"20th-Century Czech Photography: A Dark Modernism" has been posted up with some very tasty images from a large selection of top Czech photographers--from Drtikol to Sudek.
"Trees: Knock on Wood" takes on the subject with tongue in cheek and an eye for beauty.
"Images of War" seems somehow apropos. War is hell, so the saying goes, but some enjoy the pomp while ignoring the reality of the consequences of war--much like some of our own leaders these days.
Finally, "Louis De Clercq: Traveler and Calotypist" is actually in the initial stages. Vintage Works, Ltd. just purchased a large and important group of De Clercq negatives and positives, which we will be adding to the exhibit over the next month. Keep watching this space.
You can see all of these fine exhibits, along with ten others at: .
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