Swann Auction Galleries will hold a charity auction to benefit the Prague House of Photography, which was heavily damaged in last summer's devastating floods. The PHP lost equipment, materials and even the building to these floods, although the photographic works were mostly rescued. The PHP is facing the serious prospect of bankruptcy, so this kind of event is very important to supporting Czech photography (and photography in general).
All of the net proceeds from the auction will go to the aid of the PHP. The images have all been donated and represent the work of several leading international artists.
The cost for attending the reception and auction is $35 and a catalogue will be issued for those attending. According to our information, you need to RSVP by March 4, but you might want to call Swann even after that. The auction date is March 11 with the reception at 6 pm and the live auction at 7 pm. Swann is located at 104 E 25th St, 5th Floor, New York City.
Another announcement of importance from Swann is that it is moving its spring date from the normal go-with-the-crowd April slot to a new May 15th date, which will apparently combine the Photographic Literature and Photographs sales.
The preview times are now Saturday, May 10, 10-4, and Monday, May 12 through Wednesday, May 14, 10-6. There is a special "Gallery Walk:" on Saturday, May 10 at 3 pm.
For more details on these two sales contact either Daile Kaplan, Director, at 212-254-4710, ext. 21, email: dkaplan@swanngalleries.com or Lucy von Brachel at 212-254-4710, ext. 29, email: lvonbrachel@swanngalleries.com
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