You will find two new Special Exhibits up on I Photo Central, added to the other 14 exhibits that were already on display.
"Laure Albin-Guillot: Pictorialism into Modernism" shows the scarce work of this important French woman photographer, who worked with the rare Fresson process (a carbon pigment print) as well as traditional silver prints.
"Silver Messenger: A Special Selection of Period Daguerreotypes" is a nice companion to our earlier exhibit on "Contemporary Daguerreotypes: Mirrors to the Past and Future." The latest exhibit is just a personal selection of relatively inexpensive but interesting dags. Most are a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, although the dag of a locomotive at $12,500 is still a bargain. You can find hundreds more daguerreotypes and other hard images by using the search page at and clicking on "Hard Images" on the drop-down menu under CHOOSE THE IMAGE MEDIUM. There the range is even broader, ranging from $30 to about $200,000.
Other recently posted Special Exhibits include:
"20th-Century Czech Photography: A Dark Modernism", which has been posted up with some very tasty images from a large selection of top Czech photographers--from Drtikol to Sudek.
"Trees: Knock on Wood", which takes on the subject with tongue in cheek and an eye for beauty.
"Images of War", which now seems somehow apropos. War is hell, so the saying goes, but some enjoy the pomp while ignoring the reality of the consequences of war--much like some of our own leaders these days.
Finally, "Louis De Clercq: Traveler and Calotypist" which--when announced--was only in the initial stages, but we now have up a large and important group of De Clercq negatives and positives.
These are all new important acquisitions.
You can see all of these fine exhibits, along with ten others at: . We are constantly changing and updating these exhibits as we get in new items, so if you have not looked at them in the last few days, you probably have not seen a lot of the material on display even in the older Special Exhibits.
We also just updated the website inventory again and added over 80 new images. Just go to and use the Time Frame of Posting drop-down menu to select "Past Month" to see all these new items. They include the wonderful De Clercq's, a terrific Man Ray of the Eiffel Tower, several new Drtikols, four new Atgets, two Brassai's, four Kertesz's, two Germaine Krull's, another magical Eiffel Tower (this time being struck by lightning) by Loppe, lots of Czech work, and other nice surprises--both 19th and 20th century.
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