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Ladislav Postupa - Conscience, Variant (Female Nude)
Ladislav Postupa
Conscience, Variant (Female Nude)
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude Detail with Chair
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude Detail with Chair
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude with Chair
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude with Chair
Ladislav Postupa - Flower
Ladislav Postupa
Ladislav Postupa - Light Bulb
Ladislav Postupa
Light Bulb
Ladislav Postupa - Odkaz (Link)
Ladislav Postupa
Odkaz (Link)
Ladislav Postupa - Poseltstvi (The Message)
Ladislav Postupa
Poseltstvi (The Message)
Ladislav Postupa - Ptaci (Birds)
Ladislav Postupa
Ptaci (Birds)

Born in Náchod, Czechoslovakia on September 21, 1929, Ladislav Postupa went to school in Liberec.

Postupa was one of the heirs to the tradition of Czech Surrealistic photography. His fanciful interpretations of ordinary settings draw on a penetrating surreal perception and a rich imagination. He also used technological innovation with some skill in photography and graphics design, especially as it applied to large-scale architectural installations of photographs.

Postupa started to photograph in his twenties, but for a long time it remained just a hobby for him. Around 1959 he began to concentrate on photography in a more serious way. Six years later he became an official member of the artists' organization.

During the 1960s his work came to be better known publicly, when his photographs were shown in important exhibitions on Surrealism and Photography in Brno in 1966.

In 1967, his monograph was published, and he started to work as a professional photographer, opening a photo studio in Liberec.. By the beginning of the 1970s he started to pay most of his attention to the applications of photography in architecture and furniture design, which brought him much more to the field of applied arts. His recent work is closer to graphics than to photography.

Ladislav Postupa belongs to the generation of Czech photographers, who absorbed Surrealism and tried to duplicate and renovate it. As he admits, his work is close to Vilém Reichmann, the giant of post-surrealistic Czech photography. Postupa was also looking for uncertainty within the real world.

Ladislav Postupa: Absurdity within Life
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Exhibited and Sold By
Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, Ltd.

258 Inverness Circle
Chalfont, Pennsylvania   18914   USA

Contact Alex Novak and Marthe Smith

Email info@vintageworks.net

Phone +1-215-518-6962

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