Jacques-Henri Lartigue was an amateur, but one with unique vision. His childlike enthusiasm enabled him to capture his century and those around him with joy and love.
According to the family, Huguette, who was born in 1918, was the love child of Lartigue and Marie Sabouret. Hugette and her husband are buried in the Lartigue family vault in the Trocadero cemetery.
Vintage Lartigue images are very rare, because he donated his personal collection to the French state, and most of these are probably unique in private hands. Some of these images of Huguette Sabouret are published in two books on Lartigue.
On this trip in 1942, Lartigue, fleeing the Nazi-occupied Paris, was able to photograph his daughter Huguette and his son Dani by his first wife Bibi. You can see the sunshine and happiness that this trip inspires in Lartigue. The pure spontaneity of the jumps and dances comes across in Lartigue's images. It makes you fall in love with both the photographer and his subject.
The photographs came from Huguette's niece, Anne de La Baume.
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