1 to 11 of 11
Ken Kitano - Our Face, 23 Female Muslims in Burqa, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ken Kitano
Our Face, 23 Female Muslims in Burqa, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Laure Albin-Guillot - Advertising Shot for the Perfume
Laure Albin-Guillot
Advertising Shot for the Perfume "Masquerade" by L. T. Piver
E. B. Nock - Two Victorians in Costumes with Masks
E. B. Nock
Two Victorians in Costumes with Masks
Charlie Schreiner - Carnival Mask
Charlie Schreiner
Carnival Mask
Michael Philip Manheim - Siblings
Michael Philip Manheim
Ladislav Postupa - Female Nude (detail)
Ladislav Postupa
Female Nude (detail)
John Schneider - Viet Cong Suspect with U.S. Marine
John Schneider
Viet Cong Suspect with U.S. Marine
Anonymous - A Crowded Bazaar
A Crowded Bazaar
Timothy Rice - Wedding Veil
Timothy Rice
Wedding Veil
Dorka Raynor - Bombay, India
Dorka Raynor
Bombay, India
Anonymous - Portrait of a Veiled, Algerian Woman
Portrait of a Veiled, Algerian Woman

Charlie Schreiner--Carnival Mask

The mask or veil can hide a face and identity, or can prevent someone from seeing. If the eyes are a window to the soul, or at least the psyche, there are numerous reasons for making them difficult to see.

Masks and Veils: Covering up in Images
About This Exhibit
Image List

Exhibited and Sold By
Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, Ltd.

258 Inverness Circle
Chalfont, Pennsylvania   18914   USA

Contact Alex Novak and Marthe Smith

Email info@vintageworks.net

Phone +1-215-518-6962

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