Issue #202  5/1/2014
Over 300 New Items Posted up for Sale on I Photo Central Web Site in Just the Last Three Months

By Alex Novak

I Photo Central's dealers and galleries have posted up well over 300 additional photographs and photo books on the web site over just the last three months, which can all be viewed here: http://www.iphotocentral.com/search/result_list.php/16/90/0.

This posting includes some of the most important images to go up on the web site and are not to be missed. There are over 6,600 fine photographs for sale on the web site, making it the easiest and most important resource for buying images on the Internet.

Lisa Holden: Girl in Blue.
Lisa Holden: Girl in Blue.

Some of the major 20th- and 21st-century photographers who had multiple work posted up by the web site's dealers over this time period include:
--Berenice Abbott
--Ansel Adams
--Eugene Atget
--Ilse Bing
--Edouard Boubat
--Bill Brandt
--Anne Brigman
--Harry Callahan
--Henri Cartier-Bresson
--Alvin Langdon Coburn
--John Collins
--Imogen Cunningham
--Baron Adolph De Meyer
--Robert Doisneau
--Alfred Eisenstaedt
--Walker Evans
--Arnold Genthe
--Johan Hagemeyer
--Kenneth Heilbron
--Lewis Hine
--Lisa Holden
--Gertrude Kasebier
--Andre Kertesz
--Willy Kessels
--Heinrich Kuhn
--Dorothea Lange
--Clarence John Laughlin
--Ralph Eugene Meatyard
--Jerome Monnier
--Wright Morris
–George Seeley
--Alfred Stieglitz
--Paul Strand
--Edward Weston.

The following are just a few of the names of the 19th-century master photographers that had multiple images purchased and recently posted up to the website for sale:
--Eugene Atget
--George Barnard
--Isaac H. Bonsall
--Lt. Col. Henry Dixon
--Gustave Le Gray
--Le Gray/Mestral
--Henri Le Secq
--Etienne-Jules Marey
--Charles Negre.

Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud: Juliette, Daughter of the Photographer.
Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud: Juliette, Daughter of the Photographer.

Other major photographers with single images posted include:
--Bruce Barnbaum
--Peter Beard
–William Bell
--Auguste Belloc
--Francis Bruguiere
--Giacomo Caneva
--Carlotta M. Corpron
--Willem Diepraam
--Andre Adolphe-Eugene Disderi
--Maxime Du Camp
--Elliott Erwitt
--Frederick Evans
--Lee Friedlander
--Mario Giacomelli
--John Beasley Greene
--Charles Hugo
--Taikichi Irie
--Consuelo Kanaga
--Barbara Kasten
--Rudolf Koppitz
--Egon Josef Kossuth
--Germaine Krull
--Loewy & Puiseux
--Dora Maar
--Paul Outerbridge
--Bill Owens
--Gordon Parks
--Irving Penn
--Tony Ray-Jones
--Albert Rudomine
--John Sadovy
--William Saunders
--Arthur Siegel
--Aaron Siskind
--Michael A. Smith
--W. Eugene Smith
--Edward Steichen
--Isaiah West Taber
--Sam Taylor-Wood
--Reed Thomas
--Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud
--Doris Ulmann
--Agnes Varda
--Louis Vignes
--Carleton Watkins
--Brett Weston
--Minor White
--Wood & Gibson.

You can locate the work by these photographers and nearly 2,000 more here: http://www.iphotocentral.com/photographer/photographer.php. Just click on the photographer's name to go to their images that are for sale on the web site. Click into the thumbnail images for larger images and details, including the dealer's contact information.

To do other searches on photography and photo books, go here to the general search page: http://www.iphotocentral.com/search/search.php. You can refine and narrow your searches by using one or all five filters and key word search field. Narrow your search by choosing date ranges (by photo and/or print date), price ranges, type of medium of photography, country (of image and/or photographer), and even how recent an item was posted up to the web site.

Novak has over 48 years experience in the photography-collecting arena. He is a long-time member and formerly board member of the Daguerreian Society, and, when it was still functioning, he was a member of the American Photographic Historical Society (APHS). He organized the 2016 19th-century Photography Show and Conference for the Daguerreian Society. He is also a long-time member of the Association of International Photography Art Dealers, or AIPAD. Novak has been a member of the board of the nonprofit Photo Review, which publishes both the Photo Review and the Photograph Collector, and is currently on the Photo Review's advisory board. He was a founding member of the Getty Museum Photography Council. He is author of French 19th-Century Master Photographers: Life into Art.

Novak has had photography articles and columns published in several newspapers, the American Photographic Historical Society newsletter, the Photograph Collector and the Daguerreian Society newsletter. He writes and publishes the E-Photo Newsletter, the largest circulation newsletter in the field. Novak is also president and owner of Contemporary Works/Vintage Works, a private photography dealer, which sells by appointment and has sold at exhibit shows, such as AIPAD New York and Miami, Art Chicago, Classic Photography LA, Photo LA, Paris Photo, The 19th-century Photography Show, Art Miami, etc.