On Saturday, November 7 at 7 pm, the non-profit Photo Review will hold its 2015 Benefit Auction at the University of the Arts, Hamilton Hall, Broad and Pine Streets in Philadelphia.
The event will feature an international slate of photographers as well as a host of Philadelphia artists. Beginning and experienced collectors alike will have the opportunity to bid on work by such historic masters as Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Édouard Baldus, Ilse Bing, Karl Blossfeldt, Édouard Boubat, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, William Clift, Edward S. Curtis, Andre Adolphe-Eugene Disderi, Maxime Du Camp, Horst P. Horst, William Henry Jackson, André Kertész, George Platt Lynes, Charles Marville, Barbara Morgan, Charles Nègre, Dorothy Norman, Ruth Orkin, Pierre-Louis Pierson, Willy Ronis, Arthur Rothstein, Jeanloup Sieff, Edward J. Steichen, Louis Stettner, Lou Stoumen, Paul Strand, Karl Struss, Carl Van Vechten, Wilhelm von Gloeden, and Todd Walker.
Among the contemporary photo stars whose work will go on the block are Shelby Lee Adams, Virginia Beahan, Bill Bernstein, Keith Carter, Michael Eastman, Elliott Erwitt, James Fee, Robert W. Fichter, Larry Fink, Steve Fitch, Adam Fuss, John Ganis, Ralph Gibson, Lois Greenfield, Dave Heath, Elliott Landy, Nathan Lyons, Joel Meyerowitz, Duane Michals, Joe Mills, Jeffrey Milstein, Herb Ritts, Ernestine Ruben, Lynn Saville, Catherine Steinmann, Jock Sturges, George Tice, Alexey Titarenko, and Hiroshi Watanabe.
Featured local luminaries include Susan Abrams, Robert Asman, Laurence Bach, Michael Becotte, Charmaine Caire, Paul Cava, Gerald Cyrus, Sandra C. Davis, Susan Fenton, David Freese, David Graham, Judith Harold-Steinhauser, Nancy Hellebrand, David Lebe, D. W. Mellor, Andrea Modica, Wendy Paton, Feodor Pitcairn, Thomas John Shillea, Ruth Thorne-Thomsen, Tony Ward, and Byron Wolfe.
In addition, a broad range of 19th-century and vernacular photographs is up for bid.
A silent auction, concurrent with the live auction, will feature photography equipment, restaurant meals, museum memberships, theater tickets, books, etc.
Lodima Archival Materials has provided matting for Photo Review auction items.
A preview will be held on Friday, November 6 from 11 am to 5:00 pm, and on Saturday, November 7 from 11 am to 6 pm, just prior to the auction.
A fully illustrated catalogue is available for $12 from The Photo Review, 340 East Maple Avenue, Suite 200, Langhorne, PA 19047; phone: 1-215-891-0214; email: info@photoreview.org. The catalogue will be complete online in a few weeks at: http://www.photoreview.org.
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