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Rogi-Andre (Rosa Klein) - Portrait  of Anne-Marie Edvina with Cigarette
Rogi-Andre (Rosa Klein)
Portrait of Anne-Marie Edvina with Cigarette

The first and only "Salon International du Portrait Photographique" was held April 28-May 24, 1961 at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.

For this major event, 30 well-known photographers were invited to photograph just one subject, the 21-year-old Anne-Marie Edvina, who was chosen for the "rare symmetry of her face", according to a New York Herald Tribune article reporting on this important exhibition.

The photographic results were exhibited at the BN and were published in the New York Herald Tribune, Life International, the Journal de Seine et Oise, EPOCA, Europeo and many other publications.

The photographers ranged from surrealists Man Ray and Maurice Tabard to fashion photographer William Klein to photojournalists, such as Robert Doisneau and Edouard Boubat.

Provenance: Salon International du Portrait Photographique.

Salon International du Portrait Photographique: A Portrait Study of One Woman
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