Millon's upcoming exhibition and sale, "Collections and Propositions," which will take place Friday, the 14th of November, during Paris Photo, is composed of two distinct sections. The sale and preview will take place at Salle V.V. 3, rue Rossini, quartier Drouot, 75009 Paris. The auction will start at 2:30 on Friday. The public previews are Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 12-13 from 10 am-7 pm; and Friday from 10 am-noon.
As usual, the Paris auction house will present a general selection of photographs chosen for quality and rarity. For the 19th century the auction will feature works by Baldus, Clifford, Cuvelier, Le Gray, Nègre and Miot.
Millon will have photographs from a number of renowned 20th-century photographers, including a selection of nudes by Brassaï; still lifes and photographic studies by Kollar, Renger-Patzsch, and Boucher; and an variety of vintage and exhibition prints by French humanist photographers, such as Doisneau, Boubat, Ronis, Izis, Kertész and others. Several Eugene Atget photographs are included in the auction.
The jewel of this auction is the showcase of the photographer Frédéric Barzilay's personal collection of his own works. Recognized by his Surrealist friends, Man Ray, Paul Eluard, André Pieyre de Mandiargues and Pablo Neruda, Barzilay remains somewhat unknown to the general public.
Millon will present vintage and exhibition prints, sculptures in marble and in mixed media, silver jewelry such as necklaces, rings, pendants, brooches, as well as manuscripts, correspondences, and other documents from Barzilay.
Alhough his work is known for his representation of the female nude, his perspective and intention greatly surpass what is usually expected of the genre. His photographs are careful studies of light and texture and closely resemble in style abstract paintings by Hans Hartung or Jean-Pierre Schneider. The bodies that he captures in print are dramatically altered in the lab and are reduced to sinuous black lines against a snow-white glossy background.
This auction is an exclusive occasion for collectors and investors to uncover, discover and acquire the singular and unique work of this important French photographer.
The link to the auction: For a version in Flash and English, go to:
Millon's Département Photographies is run by the Expert Christophe Goeury with the Director Natalia Raciborski. The auction is located at 19 rue de la Grange Batelière - 75009 Paris, France; Tel : + 33 (0) 1 47 27 95 34; Fax : + 33 (0) 1 48 00 98 58; email: For all questions and additional information please contact the department, which is multi-lingual.
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