The online version of "A Century of Fine Photographs: 1840s-1940s--The Alex Novak Collection" sale has gone up on the Phillips de Pury website at . Because this URL is so long, it may break in transmission and you may have to cut and paste it together. Or you will also be able to go to that site by simply clicking on the banner ads for this auction on the iphotocentral website or on the logo in the calendar listing of the event on iphotocentral.
To order the printed catalogue and to leave bids, you should call the photography department at 1-212-940-1245. The catalogue is likely to become a highly sought-after collectible in short supply.
Phillips headquarters is at 450 West 15th Street, New York, NY 10011. The preview times for the auction are April 15-21, Thursday-Wednesday, from 10 am-5 pm. Part I of the auction itself will be held Thursday evening, April 22, starting at 7 pm; Part II will be held the following morning Friday, April 23, beginning at 10 am.
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